Car Parking at King Shaka International Airport

We have all the information that you need to help decide on the best airport car parking options from all that is available at King Shaka International Airport.

From off-site parking to on-site parking, short stay to long stay and pick up parking.

All the options, information, map, latest tariffs and contact information can be found here, including our NEW parking online booking facility.

Booking App Parking Map ACSA Parking

Book Parking online in Advance

Book your parking online in advance and save upto 60% on the on-site ACSA parking rates.

Get a quote and further information using our booking application and see the benefits and savings compared to the ACSA car parking options.

Benefits include:

  • Upto 60% savings on airport rates
  • Meet and greet or valet service
  • Long stay or short stay
  • Off-site locations away from the crowds
  • Secure lock up parking
  • Security controlled car parks
  • CCTV monitoring
  • Free car wash or valet with many tariffs
  • Book in advance so it's one less think off your mind
  • Invoice and confirmation straight to your inbox

King Shaka International Car Parking Map

Durban - King Shaka International Airport has 4 car parks within the airport precinct.

Durban King Shaka International Airport has got 1540 undercover parking bays available in the multi story parkade (MSP) as well as 4960 shaded parking bays.

In addition to this, there are 40 car parking bays for arrivals pick-up parking and a dedicated car rental car park, both being close to the passenger terminal. The car park locations are all indicated on the airport parking plan below. Golf carts are made available for transport from shaded parking bays to the terminal building.

The management of parking facilities has been outsourced by ACSA to the Katanga Parking company and contact information is provided below.

There are no ACSA or Katanga pre-paid parking facililities available, however, we now offer a pre-paid parking solution with long stay and short stay facilities with off-site parking companies. Check out our parking search, price comparison and advance booking facility above and see all the additional benefits and cost savings you can receive by using this new facility.

King Shaka International Airport Car Parking Map
King Shaka Airport Car Parking and Transport Map

ACSA Airport Car Parking Information

Durban - King Shaka International Airport car parking options provided by ACSA are as follows:

Pick-up Parking Area: This is for very short stays to collect people from arrivals. Space is very limited to approximately 40 parking spaces.

Multi Storey Parking: Parking for 500 vehicles on 3 levels and quite close to the airport terminal building. Serviced by lifts to Departures and Arrivals level.

Short Stay Shaded Parking: This area accommodates around 1,500 car parking spaces. Slightly further from the main airport terminal buliding and reasonably priced.

Long Stay Shaded Parking: This area is for stays of 3 days or more and can accommodate 500 vehicles. Favourable parking rates compared to the shorter stay car parks.

Pick-up parking and the Multi Storey Parkade car parks are automated with a ticket provided on entry and payment made on exit. The short and long term car parks at Durban King Shaka International Airport use the pay-on-foot system. The pay stations accept coins and notes. Trolleys are available from the car park areas, which are within walking distance of the terminals.

ACSA Car Parking Tarrifs

Durban - King Shaka International Airport current car parking tariffs for all the available ACSA parking options are listed in the tables below.

King Shaka Airport Car Park One Parking Tariffs - Shaded Parking
0 - 1 hours R18
1 - 2 hours R25
2 - 3 hours R30
3 - 4 hours R35
4 - 12 hours R75
12 - 24 hours R110
Thereafter R65 for every 12 hours or part thereof
King Shaka Airport Car Park Two Parking Tariffs - Multi Storey Parking
0 - 30 minutes R18
31 - 60 minutes R25
1 - 2 hours R30
2 - 3 hours R45
3 - 4 hours R60
4 - 12 hours R160
12 - 24 hours R195
Thereafter R110 for every 12 hours or part thereof
King Shaka Airport Car Park Three Parking Tariffs - Long Stay Parking
5 days
(minimum stay)
6 days R432
7 days R504
Thereafter R72 for each day or part thereof
King Shaka Airport Car Park Four Parking Tariffs - Pick Up Parking
0 - 24 hours R90
0 - 10 minutes FREE
11 - 30 minutes R30
31 - 60 minutes R55
Thereafter R60 for every hour or part thereof

Parking tariffs correct as of February 2024 and subject to change without notice.

ACSA Car Parking Contact Information

All parking enquiries can be made by contacting the Katanga Airport Parking Management Office on +27 (0)21 936 3600 / 3612 / 3613 or Katanga Duty Parking Manager on +27 (0)82 736 4930. Car parking office opening hours are 05:00 to midnight.